The vascular system of the body is a large network that provides blood flow to every organ and tissue. When there is some sort of disruption in this system, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or blocked arteries, it can affect the blood flow to your legs and feet. Healing will start with an understanding of the disease and professional vascular disease care which is customized to you and your unique situation. If you’re looking for a podiatric vascular disease physician, call Podiatry Centers of Maryland. We can provide you with a complete podiatrist team to help you meet your health and wellness needs.
Vascular disease is an umbrella term for all diseases that affects the blood vessels. These are the arteries, veins, and capillaries that transport oxygen and nutrients to cells, as well as carry waste products away from them. When these vessels are narrowed or clogged, it can cause a number of different diseases that can be life-threatening if left untreated. The same is true for the blood vessels in your feet. When they are affected by Peripheral Artery Disease, it can lead to serious issues that affect your foot health over time.
Peripheral Artery Disease, also known as PAD, refers to the narrowing of blood vessels in the legs. The arteries are responsible for carrying blood to the body's peripheral areas. Because PAD restricts blood flow, it can bring about serious health issues if left untreated. It is often an indicator of chronic heart disease. People with diabetes or high blood pressure are more prone to developing PAD than others. Risk factors include smoking, high cholesterol, obesity, and a family history of vascular disease. Here are some common symptoms of PAD:
If you are having problems with circulation in your legs or feet, you should consider booking an appointment with a podiatrist. Seeking help from a nearby podiatrist early on is important because it may prevent further complications down the road. They can perform a variety of diagnostic tests to determine whether you have developed PAD, and offer vascular disease treatment options that are customized to your needs.
Have you been experiencing poor circulation or pain in your legs and feet? Then it’s important that you find a podiatric vascular disease doctor in your area. Call or visit the professionals at Podiatry Centers of Maryland. We aim to provide top-of-the-line services while maintaining a high level of patient satisfaction. Our doctors have numerous years of experience and consistently keep themselves up to date with cutting-edge developments in the field. If you need vascular disease care, contact our office for more information or to schedule an upcoming appointment. Book an Appointment
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