
Experienced Foot & Ankle Doctors

Common Toenail Conditions
Common Toenail Conditions

Common Toenail Conditions

Common Toenail Conditions

Common Toenail Conditions

Toenails may seem like a small and unremarkable part of our body, but they can cause significant pain and discomfort if they are not in good condition. In this brief article brought to you by Podiatry Centers of Maryland, we look at some common toenail conditions as well as their causes, symptoms, and treatment approaches. For conditions that negatively affect your day-to-day life or cause immense pain or discomfort, it advised to seek professional help from a podiatrist – or foot doctor. Residents in Maryland can call Podiatry Centers of Maryland to schedule a convenient appointment with a licensed podiatrist.

1: Toenail Trauma

Toenail trauma can occur from dropping a heavy object on the toe, stubbing it, or wearing shoes that are too tight. Trauma can cause the nail to crack, split, or become detached from the nail bed.

Symptoms of toenail trauma include pain, bleeding, and discoloration around the affected area. Treatment options for toenail trauma depend on the severity of the injury. Minor injuries may only require rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain relievers. However, more severe trauma may require surgical intervention to repair or remove the nail entirely.

2: Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails occur when the edge of the nail grows into the skin surrounding the nail, causing pain, swelling, and redness. They are often caused by improper nail trimming, tight-fitting shoes, or trauma to the toe.

Symptoms of an ingrown toenail include pain, swelling, redness, and discharge around the affected area. A qualified podiatrist can treat an ingrown toenail by removing the offending portion of the nail and prescribing antibiotics if an infection is present.

3: Fungal Infections

Fungal infections are one of the most common toenail conditions. They are caused by fungus that thrives in warm, moist environments, such as sweaty shoes. Common fungal infections include paronychia and onychomycosis. Fungal infections can cause the toenail to become thick, discolored, and brittle. In some cases, the nail may separate from the nail bed.

Symptoms of a fungal infection include thick, discolored nails, foul odor, and pain or discomfort around the affected area. Treatment options for fungal infections include oral or topical antifungal medications, laser therapy, or in severe cases, surgical removal of the nail.

4: Koilonychia

Koilonychia, also known as spoon nails, is a toenail condition where the nail becomes thin and concave, resembling a spoon. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including iron deficiency, trauma, or exposure to chemicals.

Symptoms of koilonychia include a visible thinning and concaving of the nail, as well as an increased risk of infection or injury. Treatment options for koilonychia depend on the underlying cause of the condition, but may include iron supplements, topical medications, or surgical intervention to reshape the nail.

When to Seek a Podiatrist’s Help

It is essential to seek professional help from a podiatrist, or foot doctor, if you are experiencing any of the conditions above. Toenail conditions can be both painful and unsightly, but they are treatable. A podiatrist can diagnose the condition and recommend an appropriate course of treatment to prevent further damage and promote healing. Residents in Maryland can call Podiatry Centers of Maryland to schedule a convenient appointment with a licensed podiatrist.

March 31,2023

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